Что такое программа Bonjour от Apple: функционал и беспроводные технологии. Отключение службы, удаление программы в ПанелиBonjour можно спокойно удалить или отключить даже при наличии устройств от Apple, но iTunes начнет слать уведомления, а также может...
https://remontka.pro/bonjour-software-windows/ https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=service+bonjour+win+10&tbm=isch&source=univ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX4Mv5ssDkAhXhwYsKHTFUB0AQsAQIzwE https://www.heredis.com/en/install-bonjour/ https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/628530/how-do-i-prevent-apple-bonjour-for-windows-from-inadvertently-installing/ https://hobbyistsoftware.com/bonjourbrowser https://www.imyfone.com/clean-itunes/uninstall-itunes-bonjour/
how to activate bonjour in windows 10 - Apple Community Bonjour Print Service does work with Windows 10. For a time, I couldn't get Bonjour Print Services to run in my new ASUS Windows 10 PC. Guys at the Microsoft store told me to install the latest iTunes for Windows, but that didn't do anything. Supprimer le service Bonjour mDNSResponder – Blogmotion Maichant! Bonjour sai bien, faut pas lui faire du mal... Pendant que je suis là, t'aurais pas plutôt la manip inverse, qui consisterait à installer un service sur windows, et bénéficier du "zeroconf" à la apple, pour les imprimantes et tout le reste ? Uninstall Bonjour service - Windows 10 Forums Remove Bonjour from Windows Firstly, if you have any Apple software installed on your computer such as iTunes there’s a high likelihood that there’s already a Bonjour folder residing under ‘Program Files’ section.
http://magazine-aeroport.ru/ftexuut/icoyote-windows-mobile.html http://www.mamaalpah.com/4vaoa0g/midiberry-windows-10.html http://debateks.com/ulkimp/antspy-install.html http://tenusainc.com/h5nu4oo/load-push-service-prompt.html http://rhetoricalreason.com/oui/zeroconf-c.html http://ajnouri.com/gc0/bonjour-service-download.html
https://www.malavida.com/en/soft/bonjour-for-windows/ https://thathathoce.ga/bonjour-service-install-windows-10.html https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-bonjour-3971342 https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-remove-Bonjour-from-Windows https://www.technipages.com/itunes-home-sharing-doesnt-work
Bonjour - Что это за программа в Windows - myWEBpc